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Who We Are


Affordable and Sustainable Healthcare Access

ASHA means "Hope" in Nepali.

By harnessing the power of "Community x Technology," we are working to build a 'system' that delivers sufficient medical care to those in need and that local communities can maintain on their own.

​Basic Health Rights for All​

Create a world where everyone can live healthy and stay healthy.

 People want to live a healthy and happy life.
While this is a universal aspiration, it may remain unattainable for some due to differences in birthplaces and living conditions.

ASHA aims to make a secure living environment, where everyone take it for granted.


Creating A New Locally-led Societal Framework Supported by Pro Bono

By harnessing the power of "Community x Technology," we strive to establish a reliable medical infrastructure which supports people in local areas with limited healthcare and make them able to access sufficient medical care.

Through the introduction of systems operated by local communities, we aim to improve the local healthcare system in the medium to long term, ultimately saving numerous lives.

ASHA Japan are led by diverse pro bono members with various experiences and motivations. The team's flexibility, allowing participation tailored to individual lifestyles, creates an environment where pro bono members with different backgrounds come together. ASHA leverages the diversity of insights to take on the challenge of creating a new 'framework.'

Our Field: Nepal

Nepal, surrounded by the Himalayas, is a country known for its rich natural beauty and diverse culture. Our activities began in response to the Nepal earthquake, and we continue our efforts today because it's Nepal.

General Overview


Nepal is centrally located in the Himalayas, and a significant portion of its population adheres to Hinduism. It is a diverse and multilingual country where ethnicities and castes are intricately interconnected.

Healthcare Situation


The primary industries are agriculture and forestry, with 79% of the population residing in rural areas. Due to challenging economic conditions, a healthcare disparity between the capital, Kathmandu, and rural areas is getting wider. 

Healthcare Challenges


Nepal faces difficulties in safeguarding public health such as insufficient quantity and quality of healthcare facilities and low health literacy among residents. 

Why Focus on "Building a Healthcare System" in Nepal?

On April 25, 2015, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck approximately 77 km northwest of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal.

At that time, Dr. Sakya and Dr. Nin, who were classmates in graduate school, conducted mobile clinics in a village near the epicenter in collaboration with a local NGO in September of the same year.

Witnessing the healthcare challenges that Nepal was grappling with in the aftermath of the earthquake served as the catalyst for the inception of ASHA's activities.


Messages from the Presidents

I Aim to Enhance Healthcare Access in My Home Country.

I wanted to somehow contribute to rescuing my homeland from the devastation of a major earthquake.

I wanted to somehow contribute to rescuing my homeland from the devastation of a major earthquake. This determination led me to participate in medical support activities in Nepal. Looking back, this marked the beginning of our long path as ASHA. Through on-site involvement, I realized there are ways to support even from Japan, prompting the establishment of systems for this purpose. This is how our official initiatives started. 

We are committed to creating an environment where the people of my homeland, Nepal, can access healthcare easily and effectively.



Shakya Sandeep

A New Framework Transforms Healthcare in Nepal.

Eight years since its establishment, ASHA has expanded its scope of activities. Utilizing technology, we have established a local community-based care system to provide healthcare access even in remote areas. Our activities now include conducting special first aid classes for junior high school students.

Moving forward, we continue to pursue the realization of 'Affordable and Sustainable Healthcare Access,' exploring societal approaches that are possible in this era, alongside those who support our mission.



Yoshifumi Nin

ASHA Members

Our activities are supported by members who contribute as pro bono workers

Members come from various backgrounds, including professionals like doctors, nurses and engineers, as well as office workers and students. They utilize their individual skills and knowledge to actively engage in daily activities.


Our Partners

In carrying out activities in Nepal, we collaborate with local companies and organizations to advance our projects.

We introduce partners who support us, contributing to system development, on-site operations and management, advisory roles, and more.

Overview of ASHA

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